Monday, October 29, 2012

Why wouldn't I be involved?

"Why wouldn't I be involved in something like InterVarsity? It's too good not to be."  That's what Zach told my wife a couple weeks ago at a party for students we were hosting.  Zach spent most of last year disconnected from Christian community.  Even though he grew up in the church, in college he wasn't really pursuing Jesus or growing his faith.  My staff partner, Kit, kept inviting him to different events on campus and praying for him.  This summer as Zach prepared to come back to campus, Jesus sparked something inside of Zach - a desire to be part of God's mission at the UO.

This fall, Zach helped reach out to new students on campus, handing out popsicles to freshmen.  He is having spiritual conversations with his friends and inviting them to Bible study and our worship.  At Fall Conference, he responded to the invitation to start something new and is taking significant responsibility to help lead one of our small groups.  He's considering going to Urbana so that he can learn how to represent Jesus through his future career in business.

Would you pray for Zach as he reaches out to his friends?  Pray that God would use him and other InterVarsity students to help their friends see and follow Jesus.