Saturday, August 18, 2012

Crash Course Bible Studies

Charlie has been studying at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (OIMB) since March.  When she left last spring, she asked for a crash course in leading a bible study because she had never led one before. She wanted to start a Bible study at OIMB for anyone interested.  As she emailed the OIMB campus to invite people to the bible study, she realized she couldn't just email students but had to email the staff and faculty as well.  She was nervous about expressing her faith so openly in a strongly scientific environment but refused to let that fear stop her.

"Mary" was the one person who responded.  Mary isn't a Christian but is curious about Jesus and Christians.  Charlie and Mary started reading through John together, talking about Jesus and his invitation for our lives.  As they kept hanging out, Mary got more and more excited about Jesus.  Charlie bought her a Bible and Mary started reading on her own.  At one point, Mary came to Charlie really excited because she had just read in John 8 where Jesus says "I tell you the truth before Abraham was even born, I am."  Mary was blown away by the reality that Jesus has always been.  

Jesus is revealing himself to Mary.  As Charlie returns to the main UO campus this fall, she's excited to continue hanging out with Mary and talking about Jesus.  Would you pray for both of them?  And praise God with me for faithful students who take risks to advance the Kingdom of God.

1 comment:

  1. That is such an awesome blessing, and very encouraging to make me want to take the risk of sharing about Jesus!
